PRAY ...

This is the number one way people around the world can be a part of this massive ministry.

Here are a few things specifically you can pray for:
1. The children’s hearts as God is working on them
2. The parents of the children, as they allow us to minister to them
3. The volunteers as they work diligently to reach the kids

GIVE ...

Finances are needed to make this ministry happen. Its how we are keeping the Kidz JAM Fun Trucks running weekly. If you can donate to help us reach this next generation let us know!

$ 25 = 1 New Puppet
$ 100 = 1 New Life Size Mascot
$ 1000 = Yearly cost to keep 1 truck on the road
$ 3500 = 1 fully equipped Kidz JAM Fun Truck

GO ...

Go and experience what God is doing in Manila, Philippines. We are constantly looking for new teammates who will lock arms with us in Manila! Come over for one of the following trips:

1. 10 day adrenaline packed trip- Here you will be in a whirlwind of life changing experiences which will forever impact your life. These trips are great for youth groups, Sunday School classes, or groups of men and women who are just wanting to serve. Click here or Email Us if you are interested.
2.Summer Internship- Become part of our team! Come over for two months and experience life as we do. Take on responsibilities, work day in and day out shoulder to shoulder with our team, and see what we get to do daily. Click here or Email Us